Yoga’s Arc 200 Hour YTT
Weekend Review: Unit 2 (October)
Unit 2: Friday (Oct 15) - Sunday (Oct 17), and Friday (Oct 29th)
Friday (10/15/21)
YouTube Channel:
4 - 4:30 pm: Virtual Sharing Circle: What are you grateful for?
HW: Journal your experience and send the entry or summary. If you would like to talk to us about this session let us know!
4:30 - 6 pm: Intro to Pranayama: Kelly Gaona
HW: Participate in the pranayama practices, take notes, and send ?? your top 3 take-aways from this session.
7:15 - 8:45 pm: The History of Yoga: Julie Odysseos
HW: Listen to lecture, take notes, reach out to Julie if you have questions. Let her know when you have viewed this.
Saturday (10/16/21)
YouTube Channel:
8 - 9:30 am: Practice Teaching Sun A & B in Small Groups
HW: Practice teaching from the beginning of your yoga class through Sun Salutation B on someone. If you need someone to practice on, we can help set that up for you! Record or document your experience
10 am - 11 am: Yoga at the Market Practice DTC; Feedback/Q&A Session
HW: Take a yoga class of choice; fill out an internship form to document the experience & submit for credit.
12 - 12:15 pm: Guided Meditation by Trainee Volunteer & Feedback Session
HW: Participate in the meditation, fill out an internship form to document the experience & submit for credit.
1 - 3:15 pm: Teaching Basic Standing Poses to Everybody
(As you are watching the video, next section has the Whiteboard that goes with the discussion:)
HW: Listen to lecture, take notes, reach out to Kary or Julie if you have questions. Let us know when you have viewed this.
3:30 - 5:30 pm: Finding Your Voice with Lori Yearwood
HW: Listen to class, take notes, and send ?? your top 3 take-aways from this session.
5:30 - 6 pm: Closing Circle: Discuss a scary risk you took recently
HW: Journal your experience and send the entry or summary. If you would like to talk about this session with Kary, call her at your convince:)
Sunday (10/17/21)
YouTube Channel:
8:00 - 9:30 am: Teaching Basic Standing Poses to Every Body Part 2
HW: Listen to lecture, take notes, reach out to Kary if you have questions. Let us know when you have viewed this.
10 - 11 am: All Levels Yoga Practice at AFM & Feedback/Q&A
HW: Take a yoga class of choice; fill out an internship form to document the experience & submit for credit.
12 - 1:45 pm: Practice Teaching Standing Poses in Small Groups
HW: Practice teaching your 4-6 pose sequence or the standing poses in your Yoga Toolbox on someone. If you need someone to practice on, we can help set that up for you! Record or document your experience.
1:45 - 2pm: Break
2 - 3 pm: YA YTT Yoga Nidra Session: Julie O
HW: Journal your experience and send in, If your journal entry is personal, share a summary or overview of the class. You may use the internship form.
3:15 - 5 pm: How to Create Your Yoga Space
HW: Take Notes; Tell us 3 things you are going to implement now to start creating your Yoga Space & Journey
Friday (10/29/21) - Virtual Class
YouTube Channel:
5 - 8 pm Anatomy Types of Joints & Movements: Julie Hoffman
HW: The homework is on the last slide of the PowerPoint presented in the class.