Yoga’s Arc 200 Hour YTT

Weekend Review: Unit 3 (November)

 Unit 3: Friday (Nov 12) - Sunday (Nov 14), and Friday (Nov 19th)

Friday (11/12/21)

YouTube Channel:

4:15 - 4:30 pm:  Guided Meditation by Trainee Volunteer & Feedback Session 

HW: Take a recorded class, write up a summary of what you learned from taking the class

4:30 - 6 pm:  The Four Paths of Yoga:  Kelly Gaona   

HW: Take the recorded class, write up a summary of what you learned from taking the class or turn in your notes. 8 Limbs Homework Assignment for Kelly Gaona

6:15 - 8:45 pm:  Teaching Standing Balancing Poses for Everyone:  Kary

HW: Take the recorded class, write up a summary of what you learned from taking or observing the class or turn in your notes

Saturday (11/13/21)

YouTube Channel:

8 - 9:30 am:  DTC:  Practice Teaching From Beginning through Standing Balancing Poses in Small

HW: Practice teaching on a YTT Trainee, family members or friends, and write up a summary of what you learned from practice teaching or record your experience

10 am - 11 am:  Yoga at the Market Practice DTC;  Feedback/Q&A Session

HW: Take a yoga class of choice; fill out an internship form to document the experience & submit for credit.  


12 - 1:45 pm:  Teaching Seated Poses for Everyone

HW: Take the recorded class, write up a summary of what you learned from taking or observing the class or turn in your notes

2 - 4:45 pm:  How to Market Yourself as a Yoga Instructor & How to Invite People to Your Classes

HW: Take both courses, turn in your summary or notes.  Start to think about what your goals are so you can prepare for your future Yoga Instructor Career

5 - 5:45 pm:  Teaching Supine Poses to Every Body

HW: Take the recorded class, write up a summary of what you learned from taking or observing the class or turn in your notes

Sunday (11/14/21)

YouTube Channel:

8:00 - 9:30 am:  Practice Teaching From Seated & Supine Poses in Small Groups

HW: Practice teaching on YA Trainee, family members or friends, and write up a summary of what you learned from practice teaching or record your experience

10 - 11 am: All Levels Yoga Practice at AFM & Feedback/Q&A

HW: Take an All Levels Yoga class, write up a summary of what you learned from taking the class


12 - 2 pm:  Rules of Sanskrit

HW: Take the recorded class, record yourself saying all the Sanskrit words that were practiced, turn in your recording to Kary and Kelly

2:15 - 3pm:  Yoga Nidra

HW: Take the recorded class, write up a summary of what you experienced

3:15 - 5 pm:  Sequencing your Class from Beginning to End with Julie O

HW: Take the recorded class, write up a summary of what you learned from taking or observing the class or turn in your notes

Friday (11/19/21) - Virtual Class

YouTube Channel:

5:00 - 8:00 pm:  Anatomy - Major Muscles with Julie Hoffman

HW: The homework is on the last slide of the PowerPoint presented in the class.